
Healthcare nonprofit launches comprehensive web application

The nonprofit sector can glean just as many valuable insights from their stores of data.


Corporate America isn’t the only one that can benefit from analytics and reporting.

The nonprofit sector can glean just as many valuable insights from their stores of data.

Case in point: our client is a healthcare nonprofit that educates parents on how to harness the power of their words to improve their children’s brain development. The organization knew there was a better way to track the performance of its overarching mission, including tracking parent meetings and generating reports to gauge the program’s progress.

In addition, our client wanted to implement a web application that would streamline and simplify scheduling meetings and delivering educational materials to parents. OneSix was able to build a platform that met all of these needs, giving the nonprofit more visibility into its program.



Our solution

Building the right solution for nonprofit needs

OneSix helped with every phase of the new platform’s development and implementation, including business analysis, project management, custom application development, data integration, and reporting. Our team custom-built a survey platform, including more than 75 detailed assessments to track the progress of program participants.

During the course of the project, we had to take into account the fact that some educational modules would be completed in person in locations where connectivity may be limited. With that in mind, our team employed both online and offline capabilities (using IndexedDB and a custom Google Chrome app) that would allow nonprofit trainers to deliver educational materials while on the go. They could sync collected data and parent feedback with the platform at a later time once connectivity improved.

Technologies implemented


With OneSix’s assistance, our client now has a comprehensive web platform to help manage its entire educational program.

The web application facilitates scheduling and material delivery while also providing crystal-clear visibility into all deliverables and generating valuable performance reports.


My experience was fantastic with OneSix. They listen to your query carefully and then are able to solve your issues within the correct time frame and reasonable price. Super knowledgeable team!

Ayush J.
SEP 28 2022

One of my favorite things about One Six is their willingness to work with us on whatever we need. Early on in the project, we determined we needed an additional tactical resource instead of an advisory one, and One Six happily switched out resources for us, ensuring we had what we needed to complete the project.

Pamela E.
NOV 8 2021

They dig in and help understand the problem, how to think about it, provide the best technical options of how to solve it, then execute as quickly as possible. This is by far the best way to help me make sure we're successful, and that I know what's being done and how to support it once they're finished.

Brandon H.
OCT 20 2020

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